Futures Worth Preserving - Cultural Constructions of Nostalgia and Sustainability


Cultures as well as individuals continually balance the demands of nostalgia and sustainability as they construct historical narratives of ›futures worth preserving‹. The aim of this volume is to explore those narratives and the underlying assumptions which inform them. Drawing on a range of disciplines from the humanities and social sciences, the chapters investigate cultural assumptions about which aspects of the past deserve to be remembered and which aspects of the present should be sustained for the future. In the process, they reveal how contemporary definitions of sustainability are informed by a nostalgic yearning for the past, and how nostalgia is motivated by a reciprocal longing to sustain the past for the future.

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The book 'Futures Worth Preserving: Cultural Constructions of Nostalgia and Sustainability' brings a significant contribution to the Intrinsic Earth movement for its philosophical and creative approach in juxtaposing the concepts of nostalgia and sustainability. It explores how cultural values are nostalgically projected into the future and what is taken for granted, left aside, or transformed in this process. It instigates its readers to reconsider the multiple temporal dimensions of sustainability and challange their own cultural biases when thinking about values that should or should not be sustained for future generations.https://www.transcript-verlag.de/978-3-8376-4122-6/futures-worth-preserving/

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